How I Changed My Life with Meditation
I was attracted to meditation because . . .
- My adult life wasn’t working out like I was led to believe when I was a child.
- I was having difficulty dealing with negative emotions.
- I had trouble with reading and learning when I went to school and university.
- I had tried a number of careers but was not satisfied with any of them.
- I felt lost and unable to determine a direction for my life.
Watch this Video: Why I Meditate
How Meditation Changed My Life
Meditation had a direct impact on my life by improving my thinking and learning ability, calming my emotions, and lowering my stress levels.
All these are great benefits, but the indirect benefits were even more significant!
Meditation helped me break out of the automatic thinking that was trained in during my childhood. I was then able to develop a clearer identity and start taking direct control of my own life.
Meditation Helped Me to Consciously Choose Who I Am
Before I started meditating, my mind was who I had become as a result of my upbringing and the experiences I had had in my life. Meditation enabled me to develop what I call my Chosen Self by helping me separate my Self from my mind. With a clearer identity I have been able to live my life with more purpose – instead of aimlessly going from one crisis decision to another.
Over the years, my meditation practice has helped me monitor and modify my Purpose and my Chosen Self so I can live the life I want.
Meditation Helps Me Make Better Decisions
Having a clear purpose for my life has helped me make better decisions in my life, and more importantly, to actually follow through on my decisions instead of procrastinating. My purpose helps me rate the positives and negatives of all the options I am considering when making a decision in terms of their impact on my journey towards my purpose. Once I decide on a particular option, I am clear why I have made the decision, and so when the going gets tough I persevere. If the going gets too tough, I stop and make a new decision, taking into account what I learned from the previous decision.
If learning about my journey with meditation has got you interested in trying it, I suggest you enroll in my Online Meditation Course. In the course, I show you how to meditate the easy way using recordings of guided meditations that put you in the driver’s seat of your own meditation journey and supercharge your life.
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