Tutoring to Help Children with Special Needs Overcome or Compensate for Their Problems
We All Have Special Needs
None of us is perfect – we all have special needs. Our handicaps might be large or small, but we should never give up trying to better ourselves or help our children overcome their thinking, learning, physical, emotional or social problems.
Helen Keller Should Be Everyone’s Role Model
- Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. She became deaf and blind due to disease when she was one year old. Helen was not able to overcome her deafness or blindness but she did learn how to compensate in other ways so she was able to become a world famous speaker and author.
- Napoleon Hill, the world famous author of Think and Grow Rich, helped his son Blair (born in 1912) learn how to hear and speak even though he was born without ears or any hearing organs.
- Many world famous people such as Richard Branson, Thomas Edison and Whoopi Goldberg have overcome learning problems and dyslexia to make significant contributions in the world.
Examples such as these should inspire us not to give up. Recent scientific breakthroughs give us even more hope of making dramatic change despite a handicap.
Brain Plasticity – You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!
Until around the 1970s, it was the accepted wisdom in medicine that the nervous system stopped developing by the end of childhood and so brain functions were essentially fixed throughout adulthood. Brain research over the last 40 years has dispelled this myth and proved that brain function can be changed right through life.
These ideas are just starting to filter down into education but many teachers and psychologists still believe that nothing can be done about many disabilities. At High Performance Learning we often help people who have physical, mental, emotional and social disabilities overcome or compensate for their problems so they can cope much better with life and even excel compared with people who do not have such large handicaps – it is never too late.
Modern Technology Can Help a Lot
Ear implants can give people back their hearing. People with poor eyesight can now read using small tablet computers with cameras that enlarge the text in books. At High Performance Learning we have developed the award-winning BetterThanaBook Multi–Media Font to help people with dyslexia, auditory processing disorder and other learning problems, to learn how to read. Sample our interactive multimedia materials by clicking here. Since it has been in use we have found that it has also been very effective teaching people with physical problems such as poor hearing and eyesight.
The Best Time to Build Your Child’s Skills is NOW
If your child has special needs it is important that you act promptly to overcome or compensate for his or her problems otherwise your child will quickly lose self-confidence and so experience even more difficulties.
We teach the skills required to overcome or compensate for each learning challenge so your child will be able to reach his or her potential at school, and be much happier, both at school and at home. This will reduce the stress levels in the whole family.
We provide expert one-to-one help in your home using the internet or at our office in Adelaide, South Australia.