Online Tutoring
We provide individual tutoring in your home in our online classrooms using video, audio, interactive whiteboards and screen sharing.
If your child is struggling with homework and schoolwork we can help you wherever you are. Our highly skilled and experienced tutors, Chris Brooks and Dr Amanda Abbott, can help your child overcome their learning difficulties and improve their motivation so they can succeed at school.
Online Tutoring for All Ages
We work successfully Online with: Pre-school children as young as 2 years old, as well as Primary, Middle and Senior Secondary students, and we help University students succeed with their education too.
We provide individual online tutoring in a wide range of educational areas including: Reading, Spelling, Writing, Maths, Dyslexia, Special Needs, Science, English, Study and Exam Skills.
Our Online Meeting Rooms

Based in Adelaide, we can work remotely with clients all round Australia, and the world, using our high quality online tuition rooms where we interact by writing on whiteboards and sharing our screens. In an online tutoring session we see each other, face-to-face, using webcam video so even very young children are able to manage remote lessons.
There are many advantages to doing your tutoring online:
- Most children are used to spending long periods of time in front of screens so they find it easier to focus for a longer time when working online.
- The extensive range of educational materials and games we provide as part of our teaching are usually available in both paper form, and online, so they are easy to access.
- Working online helps children develop the computer skills they need for their education.
- We can see and hear each other. We can also share things that are on our computer screens with each other. We can write and draw on the same whiteboard during the lesson.
- Even very young children respond well to online learning. Our youngest online student started at 2 years old.
- No need to travel to have a lesson so we both save time and money.
- No need to have people come into your home – you don’t need to clean the house or dress up when you have a lesson.
- We have been teaching online since 1997 – we used NetMeeting in Windows 95 to communicate in those days. People are often reluctant to work online in the beginning, but after a few weeks they love it – for all the reasons listed above.
For maximum effectiveness, we often involve parents in the tutoring sessions: we provide extra support to parents so they can successfully continue our program with their child between the lessons with us. Also, before we start working with a new student we usually do a Full Diagnostic Educational Assessment (online, with you present) so we can find the causes of any problems and target those. We have found that tutoring is most effective when the underlying issues are addressed first.
The advantages of you becoming actively involved in your child’s learning include:
- You will understand why your child is finding learning difficult, and exactly what you need to do so you can help in a practical way.
- We will take the guesswork out so you will know what your child is ready to learn at a particular time. Often parents don’t know what to expect from their child and so give them things to do that are beyond their current skill levels – this leads to stress and failure, making both you and your child more emotional.
- People don’t learn well when they are emotional.
- You will learn how get your child more organised.
- We offer you phone support during the week so if you are not sure how to do something, or your child is not cooperating, we encourage you to ring us straight away so we can help you resolve the issue.
- We will teach you strategies to lower the stress levels in your family, and how to communicate with each other in a non-emotional way.
- Your relationship will improve so you will get on better, and have a calmer household.
- You will learn how to work cooperatively with your child in the long term, so you can keep helping them right through their education.
- You will learn things that will make you smarter too!
High Quality Meeting Rooms Enable Us To:
- Talk to each other over the internet.
- Share a whiteboard for us all to write on.
- You can show us your work that is on your computer.
- You can see information and programs on our computer.
- We can use web-cams to see each other.
- We can use chat to write messages to each other.
- We can send files to each other.
- It is easier and better than Skype – no extra software is required.
Is Online Tutoring / Learning As Good As Coming to Our Office?
Generally it is every bit as good. Some of our clients even prefer it because they find that working on a computer increases concentration so they learn quicker. If we need to see some of your written materials, or we need to send you our support materials, it is just a matter of emailing or posting them before the lesson.
Online Phonics, Reading and Maths Materials
To support our programs we provide our clients with a lot of online materials, activities and games that they can access at any time. Find out more about our interactive multimedia resources for learning basic reading, spelling and phonics skills. and examples of maths games.
Here’s How Our Students Find Doing Their Tutoring Online
Client Testimonial: Wendy Laursen
Wendy did our Advanced Communications Skills Course as part of her university studies. Today she is an Award-Winning Journalist working internationally in the maritime industry.

I sought Chris Brooks out initially as a way of doing the Advanced Communications Skills Training I was required to do as part of my university studies. I was not located near the university at the time and so sought the distance education alternative offered by High Performance Learning – individual training in their specialised online meeting room live over the Internet. What I received was a very personal, tailored program that gave me far more than any off-the-shelf training course could. The training I got from High Performance Learning, although undertaken about 10 years ago now, continues to make a difference to my success and happiness.